KS 3422/What I’ve been doing…

Lately I’ve been keeping pretty busy trying to do some gardening, cleaning, and sewing. I don’t have any pictures of the other two things, but I do have some pictures of the sewing.

Pattern: Kwik Sew 3422; Men’s dress shirt

Sewing level: Easy


*I changed the sleeve placket on versions 2 & 3 by using THIS alteration found via The Rusty Bobbin.

*Hubby prefers pearl snap shirts to buttons, so I obliged him. I’ve even got some cute little snaps that look like buttons to put on the navy and green versions.

*I’m going to add a pleat in the center back next time to allow more room for movement–these are fine, but there could be just a little more room.

Would I recommend it? Absolutely. It’s easy and makes a great finished product.


My preferred sleeve placket.

“Practice run”…totally wearable though. πŸ™‚

See how nicely I matched the stripes?

Sorry for the poor picture quality. This is Kwik Sew’s version of the sleeve placket. Not quite as wide on the underside, I hope the snap holds!

Navy version before the snaps go on. (I plan to put the snaps on tonight.) Can you spot the breast pocket? πŸ˜‰

These are my pretty French seams, so the inside looks as nice as the outside. πŸ™‚

More of my pretty French seams and stripe matching, this is where the back part (yoke) meets the sleeves. My stitching has definitely gotten straighter, so I’m pretty happy about that!

The green version still needs the cuffs stitched on and hemmed before the snaps are put on. The navy one needs snaps, and the light blue one just needs a wash before it’s ready to wear. Hope everyone is having a great week so far! πŸ™‚

Edit: These are the snaps that I put on the navy shirt last night. Aren’t they cute?

One thought on “KS 3422/What I’ve been doing…

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