Sewing “bread”: Pajamas

I don’t know when/how it happened, but my little boy has managed to get kind of tall all of a sudden. Not bigger around (that would be too easy!), just taller, so all of his pajama pants were somewhere around capri length when 6 short months ago they were easily touching the floor. So I did what any mom would do–I took pity on him. πŸ™‚

I let him choose the fabrics (he even chose the pattern this time), and I made them up. Note to self: next time, remember that my son is often paralyzed with indecision–narrow down the choices to 4 or 5 for him to pick from instead of the entire flannel section on! 😯


The pattern was New Look 6090, one of those companies that I’ve made a grand total of probably 1 successful garment from. Anyway, I made one of the shirts, but the rest I decided that I’d just make the bottoms, since he doesn’t always wear the tops anyway. I had a sneaking suspicion that the shirt would be too short (it wasn’t) and I opted to leave off the button opening on the back, since he dresses himself and I think that would probably be difficult for him to do. In the end though, I don’t think it’s going to get a lot of wear, and that’s fine too. I don’t love the way the shirt turned out, and quite frankly, I’d much rather just zip through a pair of PJ pants than mess around with a bound neckline and all that jazz anyway. Yeah, I’m lazy, but at least I can own it. πŸ˜‰

Anyway, I’m not sure what else I can say about these at this point, so I’ll leave you with a cute kitten. πŸ™‚

Image from Google

6 thoughts on “Sewing “bread”: Pajamas

  1. Well even with chronic indecision he got some goodies!

    You have reminded me that I need to make up some new PJs for my two too. The days are getting shorter and I did find some fairy fabric that they will “quite” like πŸ™‚


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