Impatience: It really *is* a family trait

So if you follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably already heard the news that the new baby is here. And he is! He’s about 20 days early, but all the critical systems that they worry about in “preemies” are go with our little guy. We have to make sure to wash our hands often, just in case, but lungs/heart/etc. are all in fine working order. (Especially the lungs–he can really scream when he’s upset!) 😉 Our only issue is jaundice, but yesterday we went from the 95th percentile to the 75th percentile in about 6 hours, so they deemed us ready to head home. And he’s eating good, so hopefully, he’ll be over it soon.

Since it’s kind of a thing, 😉 here’s the stats:

  • ~5:30 AM
  • 6 lbs 11 oz
  • 19 inches
  • Boy (you probably got that by now, LOL!)

It’s rather interesting how it came about, since I was on bedrest from a trip to L&D a day or two before. I had a doctor’s appt. in the morning, came home and spent all day in bed (and on Twitter) alternating between sleeping and goofing on the computer. By dinnertime my back, hips, and butt were so sore and achy from sitting/laying in bed for two days that I decided to grab a bite and take a shower. I thought maybe a shower would make my muscles relax a bit and I’d go back to the bed. But apparently my body had other ideas. Immediately after my shower, I got out and my water broke–which is a very interesting sensation, and one that I missed the first time around–so we hurried and got loaded up and headed in. Everything went pretty well–no horror stories here, but I’ll spare you the recount just the same–aside from being sore and tired, I’m doing pretty good.

So anyway, I’m ready get back to staring at my newest creation…babies are just pretty darn amazing. And so, so hungry….all the time… 🙂

14 thoughts on “Impatience: It really *is* a family trait

  1. Oh, CONGRATULATIONS! I’m so glad everything is going well (well, jaundice excluded.) My first was 21 days early and it was pretty much perfect—no complications, three weeks less of being nine months pregnant. Aside from the fact that we didn’t have diapers or a car seat yet…

    Best wishes for good help and lots of sleep! 😉


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